Data Evaluation & Mathematics Module
The mathematics add-on module integrates essential mathematical methods commonly used by analysts. Both 2D and 3D spectroscopic data can be processed.

Essential Mathematical Methods
All 2D and 3D spectroscopic data can be processed with just a few mouse clicks and parameter settings. Operations can be undone and redone with ease. Frequently used mathematical operations are automatically stored in a math operation history and can be applied to subsequent data sets with a single click.
Audit Trail Included
All data processing operations, including parameters, are logged in an audit trail. This audit trail is attached to the processed object for full 21 CFR part 11 compliance readiness. The change control history of an object can be tracked easily in the audit trail window. Some more comprehensive features are available with the Security add-on module.
The list of mathematical functions is constantly enhanced. Our plug-in concept allows creation of your own custom methods. You may undo and redo all operations for maximum convenience.
Find below a list of mathematical functions:
Feel free to contact us if you're interested in expanding your software with the Mathematics Add-on Module.